My PC Suddenly Shuts Down – What To Do To Fix This Problem

If your computer is shutting down randomly, it suggests you could have a number of problems with your system. Windows is not designed to just shut down, meaning that if you’re experiencing this issue – it means that there’s a specific problem that’s causing it to show. The good news is that the possible causes of this problem are quite few – meaning that if you want to resolve it quickly, you should use the steps outlined on this page.
The way to resolve the problem you’re seeing is to basically fix the specific issues which may be causing it to show. These are the general errors which will continually cause Windows computers to just restart:
- Computer Overheating
- Software Issues
- Windows Settings Problems
The way to fix the problem is to first cool down your system. This is very easy to do – if you are using a desktop, take the side of the actual “tower” unit of your system and then point a desk fan to blow cool air at it. If using a laptop, you should put the device onto a flat surface and then point a desk fan at it. Overheating is the main reason why Windows computers will just shut down, and is a problem that’s caused when you either run too many programs at once, or have overclocked your hardware too much. If you do that and find the shut-downs still occur, then you need to be able to fix the other causes of the problem.
The second step to fix this problem is to then restart your PC in “Safe Mode”. This is a mode Microsoft introduced to help you fix any problems with your system without any viruses / software from loading. It’s often the case that Windows will have some drastic problem with a driver or a program, causing it to restart. To ensure this issue is not the cause of the problem, then you should restart in safe mode and check to see if your PC shuts down again. If you find it does shut down, then you have another problem with your PC. If you find it doesn’t shut down, it suggests you have an issue with the software of your computer, which can be fixed by repairing Windows and then using a registry cleaner to repair any possible registry errors.
The final step to fixing this issue is to use a ‘registry cleaner’ on your PC. These are popular software programs which are designed to scan through your computer and fix the various errors & problems which cause Windows to act strangely. Although the registry database of your PC is used to store everything from your desktop wallpaper to your most recent emails, it’s continually being damaged and corrupted – leading your system to show errors and have other issues. To ensure this problem is not causing the random shut downs, it’s recommended you download a registry cleaner from the Internet and then let it fix the various errors your PC has inside – which should resolve the problem your seeing.