Is the Flip Video Mino Series Really As User Friendly As it Claims?

Electronics mogul Digital Media released a new product in the Flip Video Series… If the Flip Video camera could get any better – Flip Video Mino Series Flip Video is meant for anyone who wants to shoot video on the fly.
Mini-cam with a gigantic impact!
Weighing in at one pound, the Flip Video Mino Series fits right in your pocket. The release of the Mino Series brought a slimmer version of the otherwise bulky Ultra Series. Wow your friends and amaze your family when you whip out your slim camera to shoot your priceless moments.
Flip Video Mino Series comes in two versatile colors – Black & White. The Mino Series also comes with 2GB of Flash memory allowing you to record up to 60 minutes of continuous video or separate video Worried about your battery dying in the middle of a priceless shot? Fear not as the Mino Series comes equipped with an Internal Lithium Ion battery, recharging every time the camera is connected to your computer.
Have you always had the dream of starring on T.V.? Now you can since Flip Video also allows you to connect your camera to the T.V. Instant Stardom. With the camera’s full VGA video output, you will think you are using a more expensive video camera. It also comes equipped with a flip out USB connector for instant upload to popular video sites like YouTube & AOL Video.
Instant Posts to My Blog…
I personally have purchased the Flip Video Ultra Series, which runs a bit bulkier than the Mino Series Ultra Series still fits in my pocket, yet I would prefer the Mino Series slim size as the fit would be a bit roomier. I love it because it has allowed me to record spontaneous interviews, or thoughts about current events that I post straight to my blog.
If you market with video in any way shape or form, the Flip Video camera works wonders for instant creation. I have used it many times to create viral video posted on YouTube. With on board software built into the camera, you save yourself time in having to install and use a stand alone program.
Is It Really The Perfect Video Camera?
While the Flip Video Camera has many wonderful features and benefits, I think one downfall comes in wide panning. If you’re shooting professional video for a commercial, or a TV show, this camera may not be for you. Flip Video cameras also do not allow for streaming video capabilities. So, if you’re on UStream, these cameras are definitely not for you.
Value Added Cameratology
So, you may be wondering if the Flip Camera Mino Series is worth its weight in gold. For Video Blogging, Social Networking, and shooting video on the fly, Flip Video cameras are definitely worth the investment.
In summary, Pure Digital’s release of Flip Video Mino Series packs more punch than the Ultra Series. Frank Sousa, of Traffic Geyser had one at a seminar I attended recently, and I wished I had the Mino Series You can even mount it on a tripod. If you’re shooting professional grade footage, go with a higher end video camera. For spontaneous fun video on the fly, you’ll be happy you went with the Flip Video Mino Series!