Automatic Dehydration Return Sportswear Sensors

I propose Sportswear, which senses the amount of moisture from sweat, which is coming off the body. Think of a bicycle racer in the Tour de Lance. As the racers move up the hill they work their human bodies to the maximum, their bodies sweat and that water must be replaced. The Shorts and shirts can sense the amount of perspiration and heat coming off the body and a simple formula can be figured to give them back that water from their water bottle. As a former marathon runner, I often saw other athletes drink too much water or not enough along the racecourse. We use to call too much water consumption causing a waterlogged effect. Drinking too much water too quickly after a race could actually cause death. Too little and dehydration sets in and decreases both performance during the race and recovery time after the race. When running marathons you do not carry your water bottles, but in bicycle racing you do.
With the advances in re-active camouflage in the military and research being done by those like Joanna “Joey” Berzowski with wearable technology and the work of Dr. Joseph A. Resnick we see that this concept is moving ahead and ready for wide use in the private sector with transfer technology available now.
Automatic Dehydration Return Sportswear Sensors can be a reality in a few months from now with the right start-up company and venture capitalization. This idea might also be good in space station wear, military troops, Professional Sporting Athletes, outdoors workers, police men, Aerobic Soccer Moms, NASCAR, Harley Davidson Riders, Aerobatics pilots, etc. A plug in like a diagnostics unit on a car would be located in a seam within the clothing and estimate through calculation how much water input is needed for the human athlete, solder or professional. Some lying in a hospital could also be properly cared for during the nurse rounds. This idea also lends itself well to racehorses with blankets. The number of applications is truly endless.
The uniform or sportswear would be colored with thermo-chromic ink and conductive threads with either threads of nickel or stainless woven in monitoring the using the latest technologies in biometrics. Once sold in a large scale to multiple industries and sectors the price point would become quite inexpensive to manufacture and thus a high profit business, which might bring the textile industry back to the United States providing thousands of jobs in this new high tech sector of futuristic wearable technologies ushering a new wave of wearable computers.